Home > Artworks > José Pedro España Suárez

Photo of José Pedro España Suárez Spain

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1956 Malaga Drawing School Break Educaciny Malaga with the painter Alfonso de la Torre. Applied Arts (Drawing Plan 1910) in the School of Applied Arts in Malaga. Ao AWARDS 1986 - First prize in the national painting competition Melilla, Malaga. Year 1987 - First national contest prize Villanueva del Trabuco, Malaga. Year 1989 - First prize poster competition fair Churriana, Malaga. Year 1990 - Second prize painting competition Vlez City of Malaga. Year 1992 - First prize Puerto de la Torre de...
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1956 Malaga Drawing School Break Educaciny Malaga with the painter Alfonso de la Torre. Applied Arts (Drawing Plan 1910) in the School of Applied Arts in Malaga. Ao AWARDS 1986 - First prize in the national painting competition Melilla, Malaga. Year 1987 - First national contest prize Villanueva del Trabuco, Malaga. Year 1989 - First prize poster competition fair Churriana, Malaga. Year 1990 - Second prize painting competition Vlez City of Malaga. Year 1992 - First prize Puerto de la Torre de Malaga. Year 1992 - Second prize painting competition Vlez city of Malaga. Year 1994 - Second prize painting competition Evaristo Guerra de Arenas, Malaga. Year 1995 - National Scholarship VALDEORRAS, Ourense Year 2000 - First prize painting contest city of Alora, Malaga. Year 2002 - First prize painting competition Evaristo Guerra de Arenas, Malaga. OTHER AWARDS AND SELECTIONS Year 1985 - Selected in poster competition Malaga Easter. Year 1986-Third prize of the contest Vlez Malaga city. Year 1987-Third Prize Art Competition Giles of Malaga. Year 1989 - Selected in the Youth Art Competition Malaga. Year 1991 - Selected in national painting contest Malaga Ron Bacardi. Year 1992 - Third prize Torre del Mar from Malaga. Year 1992 - Selected Malaga Youth Art Contest. Year 1992 - Finalist in the national painting contest Ecoahorro of Malaga. Year 1993 - Selected National Painting Exhibition LIV Valdepeas, Ciudad Real. Year 1994 - Selected in the competition Alora in Malaga City. Year 1994 - Third prize drawing competition in Puerto de la Torre de Malaga. Year 1994 - Selected Youth Art Contest Malaga. Year 1995 - Selected national painting contest Malaga Airport. Year 1995 - Selected Painting Prize II Puerto Banus in Marbella, Malaga. Year 1995 - Selected National Biennial III Malaga City Vlez painting. Year 1999 - Current Year contest Alora City 1999 - Selected event La Mirada, Alicante. Year 2002 - Selected painting competition Alora town. Year 2002 - Selected in the Spring Art Competition Ingls The Court of Malaga. Year 2003 - Selected painting competition Alora town. Year 2004 Selected in the Spring Art Competition Ingls The Court of Malaga. Ao SOLO SHOWS 1986 - Exhibition Hall of the Economic Society of Friends of the Pas de Malaga. Year 1987 - Exhibition Hall of the Ateneo de Malaga. Year 1988 - Exhibition Hall of the Caja de Ahorros Provincial de Granada, Loja, Granada. Year 1988 - Exhibition Hall of the Economic Society of Friends of the Pas de Malaga. Year 1990 - Exhibition Hall of the Ateneo de Malaga. Year 1991 - Exhibition Hall Casa de la Cultura in Arroyo de la Miel de Benalmdena, Malaga. Year 1991 - Exhibition Hall of the House Cultural Churriana Gerald Brenan, Malaga. Year 1992 - Exhibition Hall of the Savings Bank of Madrid in Manzanares, Ciudad Real. Year 1993 - East Exhibition Hall of the Savings Bank of San Fernando de Sevilla. Year 1994 - Exhibition Hall of Malaga Cortijo Bacardi Rum. Year 1997 - Art Gallery Almirall in Barcelona. Year 1997 - Exhibition Hall of the Rincon Bezmiliana Fortress of Victory of Málaga. Year 1999 - Exhibition Hall of the Museum of Mijas, Malaga. Year 2000 - Exhibition Hall of the Official College of Architects of Malaga Technicians. Year 2001 - Galera Enfrentearte de Ronda, Malaga. Year 2003 Scope Cultural El Corte English, Malaga. OTHER HOLDINGS Year 1988 - Collective El Toro of Malaga - Southern Journal of Rincon de la Victoria, Malaga. Year 1989 - Young Artists of Malaga. Year 1990 - Collective Galera Madrid Club 24 - Collective of privacy ... "Ateneo de Malaga - Collective" Realism " at Ateneo de Malaga. Year 1991 - Collective XII Cultural Week "of Benagalbn of Malaga," The Natural "Collective Arquitctos College of Malaga - Villanueva del Trabuco in Malaga - V Mall lez Malaga - Collective Association of Architects of Malaga - Casa de la Cultura in Arroyo de la Miel de Benalmdena of Malaga - Casa de la Cultura Gerald Brenan Churriana of Malaga. Year 1992 - Supermarket Art of Malaga - Collective Benalarte 1992 "Casa de la Cultura in Arroyo de la Miel de Benalmdena (Malaga). Year 1993 - "10 Artists from here" House of Culture Geral Brenan Churriana (Malaga) - Esoteric Ateneo de Malaga - Malaga Renfe - "Art in the street" M laga-Valdepeas of Ciudad Real - Art in the supermarket at the College of Arquitctos of Malaga - Art in the street (market Picasso Foundation in Malaga, Jellyfish Pea M Collective laga. Ao 1995 - Art Fair Artesur of Granada with Garduo Galera de Sevilla - Airport Malaga - Collective "Art always gives more than Malaga" Malaga Palacio Miramar - Castillo de Santa Clara in Torremolinos (Malaga) - Malaga Collective Nova Galera - Puerto Ban s in Marbella (Malaga) - Collective Tavira Galera de Bilbao. Year 1996 - Supermarket Art of Malaga - Collection of Art University of Malaga. Year 1997 - Collective Erotika of Malaga - Collective Sexoarte of Malaga - Collective La Buena Estrella de Malaga. Year 1998 - Exhibition Hall of the City of Mijas "people's poet Lorca Collective" Mijas, Malaga - collective tribute to the painter Pedro Mendoza, Malaga - The male nude today "in El Collar de la Paloma, M laga. Ao 1999 - Collective ages oxide in San Agustin Malaga - Collective Malaga sources "in the exhibition hall Josmar Fernandez of Malaga - Collective m doctors in the world in the Exhibition Hall of the Caja Rural de Málaga "Collective Perspectives" on Jorge Alide Alicante Foundation - Collective Nude male Flor de Lis, Malaga. Year 2000 - City Collective Alora, Malaga - Collective "Monsters" at the Ateneo de Malaga - Collective College of doctor of Malaga - Collective l fiesta de la Merced "Live Art" of M laga - collectively "Submissions" art "in the space F Galera de Madrid - Mezzanines Collective Art in levels" of Malaga. Year 2001 - Collective black and white "with the group artistically at the Ateneo de Malaga - Collective Culture House Churriana Gerard Brennan, Collective auction Malaga CEPER of Malaga. Year 2002 - Alora Collective - Collective Cultural House Las Lagunas de Mijas, Malaga - Collective art gallery Double Helix of Dos Hermanas, Sevilla - Collective The Araa of Malaga - Collective The Court English of Malaga - Collective gallery Queen Benalmadena's Tivoli, Malaga Collective The building of Malaga. Year 2003 Arts and commitment, Malaga. Ao 2004 Lofting Marbella, Malaga Malaga MDIC College. Criticism and BIBLIOGRAPHY Criticism in magazines and newspapers: Diario Sur (Year 1986). Diario La Gaceta de Malaga (Year 1988). Diario Sur (Year 1988). Diario Sur in Inglés (A or 1988). The point of the Arts (Year 1993). El Correo de Andalucia (Year 1993). Agencia EFE (Year 1993). Diario Sur (Year 1993). Courier Andalusia (Year 1994). The point of the Arts (Year 1994). Diario Sur (Year 1994). Diario Sur (Year 1997). The Cultural (December 2000). Mlaga Variations (December 2000). Collaboration in journals: Juniper number 20. Utopia number 04 (Poetry). Ateneo of the New Century. Cartload, catalogs and books: Poster announcement XII's Painting Competition City Alora (Malaga). Poster Churriana Fria (Malaga) of the year 1989. Catalog V Ron Bacardi painting prize of the year 1991. Catalog Benalarte, ao 1992. Catalog LIV National Plastic Arts Exhibition of Valdepeas (Ciudad Real), year 1993. Poster Churriana Fria (Malaga) of the year 1994. Catalog I paint Airport Award Malaga of the year 1995. Catalog of the collection of art from the University of Malaga, ao 1995. Catalog II International Painting Prize Puerto Banus (Marbella - Malaga) year 1995. Hotel Castillo Santa Clara catalog of the year 1995. Catalog Tribute to Pedro Mendoza, ao 1997. Medical catalog of the world, year 1999. Catalog Oxide Ages, world 1999.Medicos ao, ao 1999. Foundation Award Catalog Alide Alicante, ao 1999. Catalog Mezzanines, ao 2000. Catalog Fiestas de la Merced, ao 2000.Catlogo Alora Award ", year 2000. Catalog CEPER, ao 2001. Annex references in the volume of the Encyclopedia of painters and sculptors of the twentieth century Arts and Commitment.

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